Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Work cited:
"Do        Not Cross | Who Murdered Robert Wone?" Who Murdered Robert Wone? |. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. <http://whomurderedrobertwone.com/2011/01/10/the-philadelphia-story/crime-scene-tape/>.
                "Handwriting Analysis - ENotes.com." ENotes - Literature Study Guides, Lesson Plans, and More. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. <http://www.enotes.com/handwriting-analysis-reference/handwriting-analysis>.
"FBI           - Fingerprints & Other Biometrics." FBI — Homepage. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. <http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/fingerprints_biometrics>.
"Hair             Analysis." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 Dec.                                                          2011.    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_analysis.
 "              Hair and Fiber Analysis." Web. http://www.centralreg.k12.nj.us/webpages/SHopson/files/hair.pdf.              
            Taking Tracks: The Forensic Analysis of Footprints and Footwear Impressions - Naples - 2004 - The Anatomical Record Part B: The New Anatomist." Wiley Online Library. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. <http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ar.b.20025/pdf>.
"Forensic Toxicology." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forensic_toxicology>.
"Graphology, Handwriting Analysis - How Graphologists and Handwriting Experts Analyse Handwriting - Free Graphology Techniques and Theory Training." Businessballs Free Online Learning for Careers, Work, Management, Business Training and Education: Find Materials, Articles, Ideas, People and Providers for Teaching, Career Training, Self-help, Ethical Business Education and Leadership; for Personal, Career and Organizational Development. A Fun Free Online College of Ethical Life and Work Education, for Self Help, Teaching, Careeer Development, Distance Learning, Organizational Development, with Team Building Games and Exercises, Free Self-help and Training Ideas, Free Management Theories, Free Diagrams, Templates, Samples, Examples, Materials and Tools, Free Child Development Activities and Adults Development Exercises Ideas. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. http://www.businessballs.com/graphologyhandwritinganalysis.htm..
                    witness Analysis." Web. <http://chamindra.blogspot.com/2011/06/power-of-business-analyst.html>.
                   "Forensic Evidence.com: Identification Evidence/Lip Print Conviction Reversed - New Trial Ordered."   Forensic-Evidence.com - Welcome. Web. 02 Dec. 2011. http://www.forensic-evidence.com/site/ID/Lipprint_reversed.html.                                                                                                            
"                Google Images." Google. Web. 06 Dec. 2011. <http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1>.

We did a mini lab in our class for the witness part of the experiment.  The first thing you do is cut out images of faces from magazines. Show your partner how the face looks for only 10 seconds.  Then cut them out into piles which include the nose, forehead, mouth, hair and eyes. and mix. Have your partner try to put the face together. 

This experiment helped me understand how the witnesses do to identify a suspect that they probably only took one look at.  


Hairs and fibers are the most important evidence if found at a crime scene.  The first thing you can get out  of a hair sample is determining if the hair was forcibly removed or just fell out. By that you can get DNA or skin at the root of the hair and by able to identify who's hair is it.  Note that the hair could also be from an animal but could be useful as well.

 Fibers are also helpful to the investigation because the fiber can be traced back and the investigators can see from who it comes from.  Most of the fibers come from the individuals home therefor letting it be a valuable piece of evidence. 

Monday, December 5, 2011



Poison is common in most of crimes and is not so hard to identify.  The examples I can think of are household chemicals, rat poison, sugar and metals. In the following chart I show you all the test that I have done for the poison lab.

Possible Poison Test #
Once test reagent is added, purple color will form
·        Blue
·        Blue
·        Blue
Household Ammonia
Ph above 7
PHTH in the solution will be pink purple
·        Strong odor, Ph=11, pink purple color
·        No odor, Ph=6
·        No odor, Ph= 6
Ph below 7
When BTB is added, the color is yellow
·        Yellow, Ph= 1
·        Green, Ph= 6
·        Green, Ph= 6
Ph below 7
Turns blood red where Fe+3 is added

·        Colorless
·        Positive, Red
·        Colorless
Turns blue or black when starch is added
·        Yellow
·        Pink
·        Blue


Welcome to Criminal Profiling , Featuring Criminal Justice, Offender Profiling, Victimology, Serial Killers & Forensic Psychology News

This is the first clue and the fingerprints are very valuable.
1.Plain Whorl 
2. Central Pocket Whorl
3. Central Pocket Whorl
4.Ulnar Loop

The second clue is a note that was written and this fits into graphology which is hand writing analysis. As you can see the note says, " you will never find her!"


13 characteristics of handwriting

1. slant- which direction it temps to slant to and how much
2. size- handwriting is broken up into 3 zones which are the upper, the lower, and the middle
3. pressure- light or heavy
4. upper zone or case( as in l, t, h, etc)
5. lower zone (as in g, y, p, etc)
6. word spacing-wide or narrow
7. line spacing-Wide-spaced lines or narrow-spaced lines
8. page margins
9. middle zone or case (as in a, c, e, etc)
10. arcade
11. garland
12. angle
13. wavy line- unique characteristic

This helps forensics to identify if maybe a letter was faked and make it seem as a suicede when it was a murder.

Lipstick Analysis
Lipstick prints are very rare at most crime scenes but are still very helpful.  Forensics will have to do a chemical test .

This is what forensics do with the sample of lipstick but it takes about two days for the results to be identified.


Are footprints important?
40% of crime scenes have footprint impressions left behind and are a primary key to a scenario of the crime. It is important to identify the footprint as clear as possible and also which direction the footprints are going or coming from.

 Sometimes the shoe has a stamp of the size or the brand on the bottom and that is very beneficial to the investigation making it easier to find and prove. It is also important for you to be able to identify if the footwear impression is of the victim or the criminal.



What is fingerprint identification?
Fingerprints are the person’s identity and have so much value to an investigation.   That is the indispensable clarification fingerprints have established to be to the forensic world as of letting them be able to solve a crime and arrest the delinquents. Since every person is different so are the fingerprints of each individual and technology now a days is so advanced that it can check thousands of fingerprints at once to find who they belong to in a minute.
Just  like DNA, Fingerprints are also self define and are all unique. Therefor, the suspects are esily identified if such clue is found at the crime scene.

There are mainly tree groups of fingerprints which are the following:
Then they are broken in into sub-groups.

Now that you have identified fingerprint patterns I will show you how to lift them from  places that could be left at a crime scene.
This is how to copy fingerrprints
1. use flour,cornstarch, or any powder
2. gently apply  the powder with a brush
3. using a piece of tape cover the fingerprints
4. then gently pull the tape and you will have the fingerprints in the other side
5.cover the tape so that it doesn't come in contact with any other fingerprints
6. you have successfully lifted fingerprints left by skin patters that skin oils leave behind of a person